Thursday, October 21, 2010

Attack Of The Leopard Seal ( Ending )

Attack of the of the leopard seal
After the half tone leopard seal bit Jayce and then the seal jumped into the water and left. So jayce started stitching up his leg where he got bit. Jayce said the stitches were pain full but after we went walking and saw a group of leopard seals and we hid for at least two hours. Then we started walking and then we heard a crack in the ice so we started walking back and all the way around. Then we saw a group of people on there skidoos and than we went and talked to them and we told them are story what all happened and they are nice people and they offered us a ride to the main roads so when we were driving they offered us over for supper, since were hungry we said yes. Then we where skidoing back to the roads we saw a leopard seal straight ahead bout we just past it and they dropped us off at the main street. Then we called jayce’s uncle and he came and picked us all up.


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